Why you should learn firebase?

Firebase helps mobile and web app teams succeed and trust me it’s not limited to mobile and web app. You can use it at lot more places.


In this article I’ll cover about the firebase and capabilities. Firebase can be best solution for you if you make web application or Mobile application (android/iOS).

Firebase is a Google Product and it’s has tons of features which you will definitely need in your current application.

Google Invested a lot in Firebase and they made is very much polished.

The best example is there is awesome documentation along with a example. Because of example it become so much easy to use, you will love the examples.

Features of Firebase

  • Authentication
  • Database
  • Storage
  • Hosting
  • Cloud Function(Serverless)
  • Push Notification

These firebase features are by most of the developers but again firebase is not limited to thees features.

Platform Support

  • Web Application
    • Vanilla JavaScript
    • React
    • Angular
    • Vue
    • You can use firebase in all kind of web application
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Flutter
  • React Native
  • and many more

Why you should consider firebase?

  • No Credit Card or payment is required for free tier.

It’s is very easy to start there is native package/ library/ dependency by Firebase Team itself.

  • Authentication

Not every app but most of the app ask to login before using all it’s features. At that point you want to build User Login and Registration.

You can build this if you good with backend development and if you are then you also there is lots of efforts behind that.

If you want to implement Login with [Google, Apple, Facebook, etc] these are very easy to implement.

  • Firestore Database

I think database is required for almost all the application. If you want to get started with then you will love the simplicity for Firebase.

If you want socket connection with database for building any realtime application. You can use Realtime Database.

  • Storage

You can store some file/assets in the Storage and it’s also very easy to use.

You can make it public also like anyone who have link of the image/pdf/or any other can access them. It has also security which forces that only limited user can access the files.

You will get 5GB of free storage limit and if you need more you get that on demand(paid).

  • Hosting

You can host your static website/ SPA website on firebase hosting and set custom domain. You can also host single page application

There is also version history option. If you update your website and after hosting the latest website. You find it has some bug then you can easily switch to previous version of your website.

No credit card is required for custom domain.

  • Cloud function

If you want to build serverless application using firebase then you can use this.

You can bind the cloud function to

  • build nodejs application.
  • you can run cloud function on database changes.
  • you can send notification using cloud functions.

There is one limitation here that it only supports nodejs runtime.


There is Code labs which will guide to build one finial project. Code lab is one of the awesome thing for developers, you can learn a lot form there.

Once you start using it, you will love the simplicity of firebase.